Interested in exploring only those CPVs published in a specific month? On this page we specifically present the
, across
every title and publisher in our coverage universe. We hope this resource will be a useful reference both for those simply interested in browsing CPV comic books by month, as well as
those conducting research that is helped by exploring publication order, such as first appearances research. Without further ado, presented below are the
Creepy #87
$1.50 Price Variant
Published in the USA by Warren Comics.
; Doug notes: 3/1977; 76 Pages including Covers; BERNI WRIGHTSON cover & art; ** PLANET MARS Special Science Fiction issue, with NEW Stories & art; ** Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter of Mars Homage &...
Eerie #82
$1.50 Price Variant
Published in the USA by Warren Comics. Origin/1st app. The Rook
; Doug notes: 3/1977; DuBay-c; 1st app/Origin of The ROOK-c/s; Bermejo, Mayo, Ortiz, Sanchez-a; Scallywag-s; Pea Green Boat-s; CGC label note: Origin and first appearance of The...
Vampirella #58
$1.75 Price Variant
Published in the USA by Warren Comics. #17 in this year's Top Magazines & Graphic Novels.; Angelo notes: In July of 2023 a 9.8 CGC sold for $850. In 2022 two copies in 9.6 CGC sold for $400 and $600; in August an 8.5 CGC sold for $100.;...
March 1977 Canadian Price Variant Comics FAQ
How many March 1977 titles within the 2025 CPV Price Guide have Type 1A Canadian Price Variants?
✔️Accepted answer:
Within this year's guide there are 3 titles with March 1977 Canadian Price Variant comic books.
Which specific comic book titles published March 1977 have CPVs?
✔️Accepted answer:
March 1977 Canadian Price Variants in our guide exist for Creepy, Eerie, and Vampirella.