Published in the USA by DC Comics. 1st Appearance of Red Star (Leonid Kovar); Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 4/26/2021 for $10
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Kolomaq; Origin of Shaman; Doug notes: WHITE Cover (Scarcer in High Grade); CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Thunderball; Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw 6.0 on 5/3/2021 for $22, a raw 6.0 on 12/17/2020 for $24, a CGC 9.2 on 4/15/2021 for $61, a raw 6.5 on 3/13/2019 for $16,...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: $1.50 cover price.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: COSTUME Party Cover by Dan DeCarlo
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: Betty and Veronica Christmas Spectacular;
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: Archie as MONSTER cover
Published in the USA by DC Comics. 1st Appearances of Atari Force in comics, Babe, Blackjak, Dark Destroyer, and Dart; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death of Blackout I (Marcus Daniels); Doug notes: Avengers appear on the DAVID LETTERMAN Show; CGC label note: David Letterman appearance. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Maximus; Versus Enclave; CGC label note: Inhumans appearance. $1.25 cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Poison Ivy; Continued in Detective Comics #534; Doug notes: Low Print = 89,217 Copies in Pub. Circ. Stmt; POISON IVY Appears; Second appearance of Jason Todd in Red & Green Non-Robin costume;...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: First appearance of the Cryonic Man-c/s;
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. Doug notes: SPACE story; Betty Cooper FLASH DANCE GGA Cover by Dan DeCarlo
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Cloak & Dagger; Final issue; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: FIRST issue of NEW Title, FIRST Canadian Price Variant thus; CGC label note: Numbering continued from King Conan #19
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Backup story written by Mike Carlin with art by Luke McDonnell.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Maaldor; CGC label note: Madame Xanadu.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Professor Power; CGC label note: Professor Power appearance. 2 page story by Ann Nocenti & Marie Severin.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Poison Ivy; ; Doug notes: Lower Print Run; CGC label note: Gene Colan & Dick Giordano cover. Poison Ivy appearance. 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: Football Star Archie and Betty and Veronica CHEERLEADERS Cover by Dan DeCarlo
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Falcon; Versus Electro; CGC label note: Electro appearance. Captain America cameo on last page. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Galactus; John Byrne appears in story; Conan notes: A raw 6.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 11/6/2019 for $10; Doug notes: ORIGIN OF GALACTUS; JOHN BYRNE; A CGC 9.8 variant sold at
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Grodd; Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 6/4/2021 for $12; Doug notes: JLA; CGC label note: JLA & Gorilla Grodd appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: $1.50 cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death Kwinn; Death General Flagg; Death Dr. Venom; Death Scar-Face; Conan notes: A raw FN- 5.5 variant sold at MyComicShop on 6/13/2023 for $14.00 (buy it now); Conan notes: Example past variant sales at...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: Classic cover of General Ross putting a gun to his Head; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a CGC 9.6 on 8/2/2022 for $42 (at auction), a raw 6.0 on 6/9/2021 for $12; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Conan notes: A raw VF 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 1/11/2022 for $12 (buy it now); CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Prophet; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Origin of Validus; CGC label note: $1.50 cover price.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. Doug notes: Wonder Car cover and story
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 9/8/2020 for $11; Doug notes: CAT trains Illyana; CAT kills the Nightcrawler from an alternate timeline; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw VF- 7.5 variant sold at MyComicShop on 12/9/2021 for $11 (buy it now); CGC label note: Aunt May, Franklin Richards & Galactus.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Bora; Angelo notes: X-Men app.; F.F. cameo; Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw FN+ 6.5 on 7/11/2022 for $23 (buy it now), a raw VF- 7.5 on 3/4/2022 for $27 (buy...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: Last Dial H for Hero.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Selene appearance.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Origin of Wonder Girl; CGC label note: Origin of Wonder Girl.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: Marvelous Maureen appears;
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Impasse
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death of Torpedo; Double-sized; Doug notes: DEATH of TORPEDO; The SKRULLS appear; MIKE ZECK cover; 52 page Giant; CGC label note: Skrulls appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: Mike GOLDEN Painted cover;
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Alan Moore scripts begin; #52 in this year's Top 100.; Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw FN 6.0 on 1/6/2022 for $25 (buy it now), a raw 6.5 on 7/19/2021 for $21; Doug notes:...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Gary Kwapisz pin-up portfolio. Ernie Chan frontispiece.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Movie adaptation; Star Trek III; CGC label note: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock movie adaptation. $1.75 cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Reprints Marvel Super Special #27; Pinups; Ben notes: Multi-packs exist sold in toy stores such as Toys 'R Us; some packs known to contain 75¢ variants.; Conan notes: A CGC 9.0 variant sold at MyComicShop...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 3/31/2021 for $10; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: Lower Print Run; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 7/1/2021 for $19; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Lorelei; Conan notes: A raw FN 6.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 11/21/2022 for $24.00 (buy it now); Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw VG- 3.5 on 11/10/2021...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 7/15/2020 for $23; Doug notes: WOLVERINE-c; MYSTIQUE app; Paul notes: A CGC 9.6 Uncanny X-Men #177 variant sold at PNJ Comics for $115 in 2021; CGC...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: Barren Earth backup story written by Gary Cohn & drawn by Ron Randall.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: Gremlins-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; CGC label note: Huntress backup story by Joey Cavalieri & Tim Burgard. 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus the Pantheon
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Limited Series; CGC label note: New Mutants appearance.