Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Wolverine appearance and cover; Heather Hudson becomes team leader; Ben notes: John Byrne classic Wolverine cover: "Okay, sucker, the only way to get to the lady is through ME" CGC label note:...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Red Ghost; Conan notes: A CGC 9.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 12/12/2022 for $190.00 (buy it now); Conan notes: A raw 6.5 variant sold at MyComicShop on 8/18/2020 for $10; CGC label note: 1st...
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. MASH parody ; Doug notes: MASH Parody; Jughead in DRAG; The Archies Band cover by Dan DeCarlo;
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: 22th appearance of CHERYL BLOSSOM in 5 Ring Circus = 5 page-s mostly Jason Blossom, Cheryl Blossom in 2 panels; ; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: LITTLE SABRINA-c/s;
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. ; Doug notes: Betty and Veronica Summer Fun; Special CAMP issue;
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. Josie and the Pussycats appearance ; Doug notes: Josie and the Pussycats cover and story; CGC label note: Josie and the Pussycats. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau); CGC label note: Sersi, President Ronald Reagan & Nancy Reagan appearance. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Penguin; Continued into Detective Comics #541; Doug notes: Low Print = 89,217 Copies in Pub. Circ. Stmt; PENGUIN cover & story; Vicki Vale & Harvey Bullock appear; CGC label note: Penguin...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Origin of Batman; CGC label note: The Outsiders learn Batman's secret identity.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: Lower Print Run; CGC label note: Batman Family.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Metallo (Roger Corben); CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Red Circle Comics. ; Doug notes: Rich Buckler-c; Black Hood in a Video Game cover & story by Timmons & Buckler, with Ayers & Stone art RETURN of the Original Black Hood 2nd story, with Carmine Infantino-a; CGC label note:...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: RED SKULL & BARON ZEMO appear; CGC label note: Falcon, Sisters of Sin, Starfox, Baron Zemo & Red Skull appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death of Johnny Squarejohn; Doug notes: HARLAN ELLISON Story; CGC label note: Harlan Ellison concept. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Ben notes: A CGC 9.6 CPV sold for $375 CAD in April 2023; Doug notes: Michael Jackson THRILLER Homage cover & story; Classic Painted cover by Bill Sienkiewicz; GCD = Alison Blaire aka DAZZLER lands...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Phantom Stranger, Joker; Doug notes: Phantom Stranger & JOKER-c/s; CGC label note: Phantom Stranger & Joker. 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Manslaughter (full appearance)
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: COLAN-a; PENGUIN app; Green Arrow backup-s; CGC label note: Gene Colan & Dick Giordano cover. Penguin appearance. Green Arrow backup story.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Terminus; Doug notes: FIRST Cameo Appearance of TERMINUS; JOHN BYRNE Story cover and art; CGC label note: 1st appearance of Terminus in cameo on last page. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. Ditko art ; Doug notes: DITKO action cover art New FLY story with plot & art = 15 pages of nice Steve DITKO Time Twist = 3 page story with Vampire, DeFalco story & Chic Stone art Backup JAGUAR story,...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Black Bison; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Snake Eyes; #55 in this year's Top 100.; Angelo notes: A very important issue to own for the G.I. Joe enthusiast. Record prices in 2021: May 9.8 CGC w $2000, May 9.6 CGC ow/w $394. ; Conan notes:...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Demolition Team; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Nightmare appearance. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Aquarius appearance. Nick Fury cameo. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. Doug notes: Fashion Walk cover
Published in the USA by Archie Comics. Doug notes: KATY KEENE appears
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Ben notes: 1st appearance of Zsaji. Classic cover contender by Bob Layton.; Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw 6.0 on 6/28/2021 for $14, a raw 5.5 on 8/8/2019 for $13, a raw 7.0...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: Reprints Amazing Spider-Man #28 1st appearance of MOLTEN MAN-c/s; CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw FN+ 6.5 variant sold at MyComicShop on 6/20/2022 for $12 (buy it now); CGC label note: Moon Knight. White Dragon appearance. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearances of Warlock (cybernetic alien) and Magus; Conan notes: A raw 4.5 variant sold at MyComicShop on 1/28/2020 for $10; CGC label note: 1st appearance of new Warlock. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death of Firebolt; Versus Firebolt
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearances of Lightspeed, Mass Master, Power Pack, and Aelfyre Whitemane; Origins of Power Pack, Lightspeed, and Mass Master; Death of Aelfyre Whitemane; Versus Snarks; Angelo notes: In July of 2023...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Chief Examiner; Origin of Chief Examiner; Hulk; Doug notes: Chief Examiner and HULK cover and story; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Chief Examiner cover and story; The Chief Examiner is...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: ALPHA FLIGHT appears; JOHN BYRNE cover; CGC label note: Alpha Flight appearance. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Conan notes: Example past variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw VF 8.0 on 11/23/2021 for $10 (buy it now), a CBCS 8.5 on 8/24/2020 for $12; Doug notes: ALAN MOORE Story; Etrigan the DEMON appears; CGC label...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Armando Gil frontispiece. Bran Mak Morn back-up story.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Answer; CGC label note: Black Cat appearance.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Angelo notes: Origin Saavik; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 2/3/2021 for $10; CGC label note: Story takes place before "Return of the Jedi." Governor Wessel app. 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: JACK KIRBY Cover; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: Lower Print Run; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Origin of White Witch; Doug notes: FIRST Canadian Price Variant in Title; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Tarzan; CGC label note: Based on story by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Adapted by Sharman DiVono & Mark Evenier.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: SKY WARS; ROCKY GRIMM Space Ranger; JOHN BYRNE Story;
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: 75 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw FN 6.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 12/19/2022 for $11.00 (buy it now)
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearances of Forge and Naze; Angelo notes: With the X-Men coming to the MCU this book is on fire. The book has a really interesting first appearance (Forge) and a really cool Romita Jr. cover and...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. CGC label note: Backup story by Gary Cohn & Ron Randall
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: What If Spider-Man's Uncle Ben Had Lived? Sienkiewicz-c; Green Goblin appear; CGC label note: $1.25 cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: BONDAGE-c; HUNTRESS Backup-s; CGC label note: Huntress backup story by Joey Cavalieri & Mark Beachum. 95 cent cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Origin of Swordfish and Barracuda; CGC label note: 95 cent cover price.