Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: FIRST issue of NEW Title, FIRST Canadian Price Variant thus
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Crisis; Story integrates parts 4-6 of Shangheid Into Hyper-Space (Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, Wonder Woman); Conan notes: A raw 6.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 7/20/2020 for $7
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Origin of Wolverine; Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 12/4/2019 for $8; Doug notes: First FULL appearance of Yuriko as LADY DEATHSTRIKE on 13 Pages inside; First LADY DEATHSTRIKE cover;...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death of the Fly; Versus Hobgoblin; Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 6/3/2019 for $10; CGC label note: Hobgoblin & Scourge appearance. "Death" of the Fly. Rose cameo. 95¢ cover...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Kang; CGC label note: Kang appearance.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. 1st Appearance Film Freak; Versus the Film Freak; Storyline contd in Detective Comics #562; Doug notes: Low Print = 89,747 Copies in Pub. Circ. Stmt; First appearance of FILM FREAK; CATWOMAN, Vicki Vale...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Toyman; Conan notes: A raw 9.4 variant sold at MyComicShop on 4/10/2019 for $8
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: ROSE & THORN appears
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Crossfire and Death-Throws; CGC label note: Hawkeye & Mockingbird appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: Classic FRANK MILLER Born Again Storyline; CGC label note: Matt Murdock finds out Sister Maggie is his mother. Kingpin appearance. 95¢ cover price.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Malleable Man; Plastic Man; Elongated Man; Elastic Lad; Doug notes: Lower Print Run; CGC label note: Elastic Four.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Versus Film Freak; ; Bill notes: Contains nudity panels; Doug notes: Catwoman-c/s; Jason Todd/Robin app; COLAN-c/a; Green Arrow & Black Canary backup-s; CGC label note: Green Arrow/Black Canary backup...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Versus Annihilus; Versus Blastaar; Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 3/26/2020 for $8; CGC label note: Nick Fury, Blastaar & Annihilus appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: WOLVERINE appears in Two page dream sequence; Emma Frost the White Queen & Hellfire Club appears; ART ADAMS & Bill Sienkiewicz cover;
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Mercenaries; Conan notes: A raw 6.5 variant sold at MyComicShop on 9/14/2020 for $7
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Beach Head & Wet Suit; CGC label note: 1st appearance of Beachhead & Wet Suit.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Crisis; Guardians join Zamarons; CGC label note: Star Sapphire & Sinestro appearance. $1.60 cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Wedding of Bruce Banner and Betty Ross; Doug notes: JOHN BYRNE Story, Cover & Art; CGC label note: Wedding of Bruce Banner & Betty Ross. Doc Samson appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Hawkeye, Mockingbird & Goliath appearance.
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: GIANT; VIXEN appears; Batman rejoins; Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Atom, Hawkman & Black Canary app; CGC label note: Anniversary issue. $1.60 cover price.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. CGC label note: Wraparound cover.
Published in the USA by Star Comics. #46 in this year's Top 100.; Angelo notes: He-Man movie announced. Star Comics are the tougher books to find but stick with high grade only. ; Conan notes: Example variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw 3.5...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: LAST ISSUE; Scarcer LAST Canadian Price Variant in Title
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: Example variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw 5.5 on 1/2/2020 for $10, a raw 5.5 on 1/2/2020 for $16; CGC label note: Emma Frost & Hellions appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Human Torch to Ka-Zar; Angelo notes: John Byrne & Joe Rubinstein cover; CGC label note: Lists Marvel heroes & villains. Wraparound cover.
Published in the USA by Star Comics. Deerdevil; Doug notes: First appearance of the Deerdevil story = Daredevil Parody;
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: Lower Print Run
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 4/1/2020 for $8; Doug notes: Franklin Richards appears as Tattle-Tale
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Angelo notes: Prices have gone down on this book but expect a Punisher series on T.V. (no rumors as of yet) to bring higher prices. This might be a good time to buy this series at a higher price. A 9.2...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Final Issue; Doug notes: LAST ISSUE; Scarcer LAST Canadian Price Variant in Title
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: Old and New Blue Beetle; serves as intro to new Blue Beetle title; CGC label note: Blue Beetle.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Death of Tom Thumb (Thomas Thompson)
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: Example variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw 8.0 on 11/11/2020 for $29, a raw 6.0 on 1/14/2020 for $38; Doug notes: LOW Print Run; CGC label note: Plif, Dani, Den Siva, Bahb, Jahn, Marruc, Rahuhl,...
Published in the USA by DC Comics. Doug notes: JOHN CONSTANTINE aka HELLBLAZER appears; ALAN MOORE Story; CGC label note: John Constantine appearance.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearance of Ms. Marvel II (Sharon Ventura); Origin of Ms. Marvel II; Doug notes: LOWER PRINT Run; CGC label note: Sharon Ventura becomes the new Ms. Marvel. 1st Curtis Jackson as the Power Broker....
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Doug notes: Bumblebee Last Stand / Plight of the Bumblebee;
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Wolverine solo story; Doug notes: WOLVERINE SOLO-c/s; 1st App. Reese, Cole, & Macon of the Reavers; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; CGC label note: Origin of Lady Deathstrike. Spiral & Energizer (Katie Power)...
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. Conan notes: A raw 8.0 variant sold at MyComicShop on 8/27/2020 for $8; CGC label note: Black Fox appearance.
Published in the USA by DC Comics.
Published in the USA by Marvel Comics. 1st Appearances of Frenzy and Timeshadow; Conan notes: Example variant sales at MyComicShop: a raw 6.0 on 6/30/2020 for $9, a raw 8.0 on 6/18/2020 for $12; CGC label note: 95¢ cover price.